Mixed-ish (2019)


(17 wotew)


Ka sɛgɛsɛgɛ

I really enjoy this show and watch it every week. The young actress who plays young Bow is just wonderful.

I tune in to watch this show be because it's such a mood booster. I hadn't previously watched any of the -ish series before and I tried getting into them but this is the only one that really caught my attention.

Black-ish is very good. Grown-ish is actually great, I love it!

Remember those movies in junior high that tried to be entertaining and educational at the same time, but decided to go with education over entertainment? Yeah this is another one of THOSE.

I watched this show because I am a mark Paul gosslar fan from saved by the bell days but I really did enjoy the show! It's refreshing to have the comedy back on network tv.

A common thread for those who didn't enjoy this show are i) white and/or ii) don't like education.I enjoyed this show because you learn something and black sitcoms are refreshing.

I don't understand all the negative reviews on here! This show is good.

Really good follow up on Bows child hood. She does a wonderful narrative!

I'm ready to WATCH this show that my daughter actually likes. I read the show summary, cute.
